New things happening at Fit and Feminist

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to expand the blog and turn it into more of a community-type thing, because as much as I love typing up my random manifestos and sending them out into the series of tubes, what I really love is the kind of give-and-take that comes about when you have a real community in place.

So I set up two groups in hopes of spreading the fit-and-feminist spirit around a little bit.

The first is a group at Fitocracy.  Now, I have to admit that I haven’t been as consistent about Fitocracy as I’d like, especially as I already have an account at Daily Mile and also on Training Peaks, but I like that Fitocracy has a tool that allows you to create communities.  Right now I’m envisioning this as a place where we can go throw down some challenges for one another, support each other as we train toward our goals and in general give us a place to hang out online where we can talk fitness without having to dodge eating-disorder tips disguised as “healthy living” or fat-hating or anything like that.  I’m open to hearing other suggestions, though!

The second is an online book club over at Goodreads.  I have a whole library of fitness and sports books that I want to talk about with other people, and so I selfishly thought, why not do a book club?  I’m thinking a book a month, covering everything from athlete memoirs to historical books to cultural criticism to fiction.  I’ve already got a book in mind for kicking off the discussion in March, so if anyone else is interested in this, let me know and I’ll post it to the group.

So that’s it for now.  I’ve got some other blog posts stewing in my brain, which is fully relaxed and rested and itching to get back after it.  Expect to see those soon.  And as always, thanks for being such a rad bunch of commenters/people/friends.  One of my favorite things about blogging has been the opportunity to meet so many fabulous people (some of whom I now consider friends!) and I look forward to getting to know more of you through these groups.

7 responses to “New things happening at Fit and Feminist

  1. Nice! I’m an avid user of Fitocracy to track workouts (and I try to be good about propping people) but I’m not super-social on it. Thanks for setting it up!

  2. I just found Fitocracy and would love to join your group. I haven’t been reading (books at least) as much as I used to, but a fitness and sports reading group might just get me back into the habit. Thank you for find new ways to unite the Fit and Feminist community!

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